FY25 Internal Awards
The Office of Research is pleased to announce the launch of the FY25 Student-Led Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (SL-RSCA) program.
At this time, undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to review the guidelines and requirements of the award on the InfoReady website and consider submitting an application. Student application materials are due via InfoReady by 5pm EST on Tuesday, June 25, with additional faculty mentor materials due by Sunday, June 30 (please review the guidelines for more details.)
The Internal Awards program is under revision. The Vice Provost for Research will announce other funding mechanisms when all approvals are finalized.
As the application deadline approaches, the Office of Sponsored Programs, administrators of the program, will provide “open lab” Zoom sessions for students/faculty mentors to drop in and ask specific questions about the program, their application, the InfoReady system, etc. The dates for these sessions are as follows:
Tuesday, June 18 from 9am – 10am
Monday, June 24 from 10am – 11am
A previously-recorded informational webinar is now available to view. All Montclair campus and Bloomfield campus students and faculty mentors are encouraged to view the video for further information about the SL-RSCA program.
For more information please contact: Kate Dorsett at: dorsettk@westridgeparkapartments.com or ext. 6927.